7 Key Signs You Need to Replace Your AC Unit

replace your ac unit

Does your comfort depend on your AC unit?

As an American homeowner living in warmer areas, your HVAC system is one of your primary home comforts. If the system suffers from various failures, it takes a few days to fix it. It applies even when you ask for professionals to handle the job.

Early detection is key to preventing a bigger and costlier problem. Read on as we discuss the signs it’s time to replace your AC unit.

1. Your Electric Bill is Increasing

Whenever your air conditioner turns on, it will use more electricity. The more times it does, the higher its electricity consumption. It’s the same when they keep your home colder.

It’s normal, but a broken AC unit will raise your utility bills through the roof.

The next time you receive your electric bill, check for increases. Think about whether you can explain them. For example, if your area had several weeks of continuous hot weather, you’ll likely crank your AC unit for longer.

In that case, the increases aren’t problematic.

However, when you’re using your AC unit normally and notice a sharp increase, consider replacing this appliance. Schedule an appointment with HVAC experts from https://www.schneidermechanical.com/ and let them check. It determines whether a repair or replacement is the more proper solution.

The sooner you decide, the less impact your HVAC system will have on your monthly utility bills.

Take note, your AC unit will last between 10 and 15 years. If your system is older, you already have a great return on investment. It’s best to get a newer, better system to reap energy benefits.

2. The Rooms Aren’t Cold Enough

A good, working air conditioner must keep your home at a consistent temperature. It must extend throughout your home. It includes every room with ductwork or part of the thermostat zone.

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Schedule an appointment when you notice rooms warmer than the others. It’s especially when it stays the same despite changing your thermostat settings. It’s a good indicator of various component issues.

Sometimes, it’s simple problems like clogged ductwork or issues with the air conditioning compressor. It could also mean a thermostat problem. Regardless, having an HVAC technician can identify the issues.

3. The Airflow is Barely Perceptible

In normal situations, you must feel the cool air emanating from your vents whenever the system starts. It’s due to the strong fan within the system. It will push the cool air through the ductwork and deliver it into your designated rooms.

Never wait long after noticing a weak airflow. Get technicians to inspect your system as soon as possible. It’s often a minor problem like a clogged air filter, but it could also be a serious issue with the fans.

If you left a damaged fan for too long, your HVAC system might be too damaged for repairs. When it happens, it’s time to replace your air conditioner. Otherwise, it will get worse until it stops giving out cool air entirely.

4. The Home’s Humidity is Over The Top

One of the primary home comforts of an HVAC system is removing excessive humidity. It’s a great feature since it keeps your home cooler for longer. It applies even when you’re only setting the thermostat a few degrees higher.

When the HVAC system needs repair or replacement, your home’s humidity levels will increase. It’s an undesirable experience, especially during the long, hot summer days.

Take note, a slight increase in humidity is normal. It’s often because of contaminants from the outside. However, if it persists for a long time, it’s a good indicator of an AC problem.

If the problem is too much, replace your AC unit. It allows your home to stay comfortable even on the most humid days.

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5. The Air Conditioner Turns On and Off

Manufacturers never built air conditioners to run constantly. Instead, these appliances will cool your home until the thermostat tells it to stop. It’s through the latter’s temperature sensor.

When problems arise, the system will turn on and off more often. It’s the same regardless of whether it’s a thermostat or AC unit issue. When the system runs through those cycles more, its electricity consumption increases.

Also, it puts unnecessary wear and tear on the entire system. The sooner you let an expert inspect your system, the less expensive the problem becomes. It also lets you discover whether the system’s wear and tear are already enough to warrant a replacement.

6. Lots of Strange Noises

Living in your home for a long time lets you know its normal sounds. It means knowing the kinds of noises your AC unit makes whenever it starts. Pay attention to the sounds to determine whether it’s time for a replacement.

When your system does its normal sounds and nothing more, it’s likely in a good working condition. However, whenever you hear strange noises like grinding sounds and loud bangs, it’s time to get worried about your AC unit. It might be a simple issue, but it could also be a sign of an impending total unit failure.

7. Your House Smells Weird

The primary function of air conditioners is to pull clean air from your home’s exterior. It cools it down and distributes it to your rooms. It means normal air conditioners must put fresh air out.

If you notice strange odors whenever your HVAC system is active, schedule a technician appointment as soon as you can. It might be a sign of a mold infestation within your ductwork. Worse, it could be an electrical problem.

When the latter gets out of hand, it will break your air conditioning unit. At this point, it’s best to find a replacement unit instead. Regardless, your technician will look into the problem and figure out the right solution.

Upgrade Your Home Comforts Now

These are the most common signs of HVAC problems. Use these to guide your decision. It’s whether to call an HVAC company for a repair or a replacement.

Do you need more tips to increase your home comforts? Read the rest of our blog today.