7 Things You Can Do to Speed up a Car Accident Lawsuit

car accident lawsuit

Car accidents are among the leading causes of injuries in the U.S., as they result in over 4 million injuries every year. If you or your loved ones are involved in such an accident, you may need to file a car accident lawsuit.

The lawsuit may take several years to settle, meaning you might wait for an eternity before receiving your fair compensation. When you have urgent financial needs like medical bills, waiting this long may not be the best option.

Do you know you can speed up the car accident lawsuit process? Here are seven steps you can take to settle your claim within the shortest time possible.

1. Hire a Lawyer

The best way to expedite your car accident claim is to bring an experienced lawyer on board. Following an accident, you may not be in the best position to handle legal paperwork or navigate the litigation process. You might even make mistakes that could delay your case.

Hiring a lawyer who has dealt with cases similar to yours will make your claim process seamless. The attorney will know what to do to avoid legal delays without compromising the best resolution.

For example, a lawyer will file your case promptly and work with a team to gather all the evidence necessary to win your case. Experienced attorneys from firms like Craig Goldenfarb, P.A. know the ins and outs of every step of a car accident lawsuit. If you work with them, they’ll ensure that every action is fast, helping you reach a settlement faster.

2. Avoid Legal Delays

After a car accident, you might be tempted to take some time before starting the claim process. You might be concerned that initiating a lawsuit will affect your employment. You could also delay because you think making a claim is not ethical or moral.

If you’re sure it wasn’t your fault that the accident occurred, start the car accident compensation process immediately. This is why you need a lawyer because you may not be physically fit to start the claim. Call your law firm as soon as possible and let the team start gathering facts to build a strong case for you.

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3. Prepare the Evidence

Even when working with an attorney, you can help them by collecting all the evidence you can. The more evidence you prepare, the faster your attorney will start working on your car accident claim. You can take this evidence with you when you first meet your lawyer for the initial consultation.

For example, you can get a police report. You can also bring any photographs of the accident scene, your injuries, or anything that can help build the case.

Gather all the medical records for any treatment you have undergone due to the accident. These could be discharge summaries, payment receipts, or bills issued by your insurance company.

Don’t panic if you can’t access these records; your attorney can gather them for you. However, not having the evidence beforehand will only lengthen your lawsuit process.

4. Don’t Miss Medical Appointments

Your lawyer will need medical evidence to build your case and determine the compensation amount. The attorney may delay sending a demand letter to the defendant to wait until you attain maximum physical improvement. At this stage, your lawyer will have a better idea of your health condition and the amount of compensation you need to recover fully.

Attending all your medical appointments will help you reach the maximum improvement soon, allowing your lawyer to act. So, stay on track to help your doctor and lawyer know when you get to this stage.

5. Watch Your Words

Avoid saying unnecessary things immediately after a car accident. If you’re not careful with your choice of words, your car accident claim will take longer, even if you’re innocent and injured.

There’s a list of things you shouldn’t say to the other driver, the police officer, or witnesses. For example, don’t say you’re sorry or admit that it was your fault. Avoid saying that you are not hurt because you may not notice some injuries until after several hours.

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Those who hear your words may twist them and use them against you when you file a car accident claim. Only tell the police officer your story and exchange relevant information with the other party to the accident.

6. Stay off Social Media

The notion that what you say can be used against you doesn’t only apply to what you say to those at the accident scene. It also applies to what you post on your social media platforms, like Facebook.

Don’t claim that you suffered devastating injuries while your Facebook page tells a different story. Such a contradiction will only delay your case by necessitating further investigation.

Remember, the defendant’s side is watching you. They will go through your social media and even interview your colleagues and friends.

The best thing is to keep off Twitter and Facebook until the case is over. Don’t talk to anyone about the accident other than your lawyer. Let your lawyer do all the talking if there’s anything to say.

7. Listen to Your Lawyer

Your car accident lawsuit process will move faster if you stay on the same page as your lawyer. Don’t be tempted to reach out to third parties for advice on how to proceed with your lawsuit.

If you do so, there is a high risk that you’ll start debating and arguing with your lawyer based on the advice you get from your friends and family.

Eventually, your attorney may step back and abandon your case, especially if you develop irreconcilable differences. The impact is that your lawsuit will be delayed even further because you might have to look for another attorney.

Follow your lawyer’s directions from the start to the end. You should also be open with your lawyer to facilitate effective communication during the lawsuit. Always be ready to respond to emails, calls, and submit requested documents without delays.

Use These Tips to Settle Your Car Accident Lawsuit Faster

Even when you suffer devastating injuries, a car accident lawsuit can take ages before you get compensated. Fortunately, you can do a few things to speed up the compensation process. Start with the seven tips in this article for faster results.

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